
Dont Be Fooled MLM Duplication is a Bunch of Crap!

Everybody who's been in the network marketing industry for a period of time has heard the cliche: "This is a business of duplication". Network marketers are often trained to ask themselves something like this... "Is this duplicate-able? Can everyone on my team follow the system I'm using and get the light bulbs same explosive results?"Indeed, "Duplication" has become sacred, with wild notions like your business is doomed to failure if nobody can copy what you're doing, or you won't be able to coach your team because they're all going to do their own thing.Or is it just a conspiracy to make you feel guilty of not attending some heavy hitter's functions and buying his motivational tools?Whatever it is, let me tell you this: "Duplication" is a load of HOG WASH. It's a classic case of the blind leading the blind. Don't fall into that trap. There is no such thing as a One-Size-Fits-All system that will produce the same results for every individual.The strange thing about network marketing is that it's an industry of sales and marketing. But the vast majority of people that participate in it have very little clue on how to do sales and marketing. So they preach "duplication" and tell everybody to follow a really simple set of tasks and repeat them until they burn out.You can teach a m to write a list of family and friends and recite a cheesy sales script over the phone. But you can't build a business doing this. You can't grow as an entrepreneur if you're just following the herd.Everybody comes into network marketing under a different set of circumstances. Everybody comes into the industry with different personalities. Everybody comes into the industry with a different set of skills and at different skill levels.Some may be very shy, timid and introverted, others may be direct and extroverted. Some may have a lot of friends and business air swimmers contacts that they've built up over many years, while others may not. Some may already have substantial experience in sales and marketing, while others come into the this industry (of sales and marketing) with none. Some are good with technology and would rather use the internet, while others would prefer to meet people face to face.Proclaiming that people should follow one set of steps is a recipe for piddly little income checks at best and dogged frustration at worst.If you follow some of the big leaders of the MLM industry such as Mark Yarnell, Randy Gage, Brian Tracy, and Mike Dillard, you'll see that they all got to their level in their own unique way. None of them followed the path of "3rd Grade Duplication" to the top.The truth is only leaders make it to the six, seven, eight figure income level. Leaders don't follow the herd, trying to copy what everybody else is doing. Leaders develop their unique talents into strengths over time and leverage their strengths to build teams of people who leverage their own strengths toward a common vision.

